Sunday, February 8, 2009

Can the insanity stop?

I'm a purtty patient southern rebel , I let most insults and tarnishments from others roll off my back like water off a ducks back, an like a duck I stay calm on top but am paddling quick undernieth. But there are times I just can't understand these northern blue bloods. I will not say Yankee any more since that seems to get some folks riled so I'll just call em northern blue bloods. Blue becuzz this cold weather up north here would make anyone's blood run blue. Okay then. The word Confederate brings up hate and slavery. I'm really sorry that a few misguided folks from the KKK to other hate groups have used our southern flag as their banner, but that same flag in all truth has nothing to do with hate. It hazz more to do with folks who are not going to be assimilated, we are none conformists and we are not of the kind that will sit around dumb and blind while these northern types take away the freedoms of this nation. The main mission beyond keeping the images, attitudes and legends of all things, not just the Dukes alive, is to educate a whole heap of allot of people of the degradation of this nation and what both those flags really mean. Too many people have died and bled for this country just to let a few, no matter what nationality or color of skin, trample on our freedoms, rights and dreams. With that said this Wednesday at 21:00 hours Hazzard County/Dixie Diesel Radio gets on the air, I'll forward the location on the Internet where you can tune in to Knytes-of-Anarchy members, and our supporters. Its not as of yet a full time thing in that much of it depends on approvals , but it's a start. But as I head off to dream land this early Sunday morning, Confederate does not mean hate. Keep it tween the ditches.