Saturday, August 3, 2024

what is ain't and did you hear the Dave show today?

Many Radio programmers only tune into the own stations and I am not one to say I don't.  After all our network stations and of course HazzardAyre Radio and AyreWolf Fm is the finest example of real personality station shows in the western hemisphere.  We put serious personality Radio back on the air.. With that said true champions of anything or a cause sits on their complacency.  You tune into other stations and shows. That is your way to stay number one. So as I drove into the Burley Idaho McDonald's for dinner this evening I tuned into my old alumni station at AM 1310. And the Dave Ramsey show.  What he was chatting about was not much based on self help economics but more on politics and economics.  What he was barking out was dead on the money, real money. What he was saying drilled down on the similarities of a Twin political parties. If all were that really interested in serious change why not back that byond independent party the Confederate movement Party.  The Confederate movement Party is not based on racism or slavery or just independence its based on serious separation and inclusion. Now that I have stated what the Confederate Movement Party is, let's talk policy and issues. 
A wise associate of mine taught this. Don't try to change big money for just one client or customer, charge less to gain per money on many clients and or customers. That's $8000.00 per month that would maintain even on the none vacation months even into and over the winter months.  This is better than half of that amount during those same months by charging $100.00 per day. And not being short changed. Allow those with a mere felony on their background check a step up to where they are not tempted by need to commit again just to survive. 
Are there great Coonfederates? Yes. Not just Robert E. But the first President of these U.S. of A.  STATES. George Washington was a Confederate.  His Eldest Daughter was Robert E's wife. Arlington Cemetery was the back yard of Robert E's. Many forgot or forget that important piece of historic fact. Memorial Day was conceived by the Daughters of the Confederacy.  Even today's biggest retailer Walmart was born in Arkansas . Coca Cola Atlanta Georgia.  The list goes on but fact is much of the Confederacy was imparted to the greater American nation by the Dixie Nation. The nation is being mislead by those who only want to line their own wallets not to do right to and for those who elected them. 
Donald Trump slipped by saying a big lie and furthered that lie by saying that he was the best President since Lincoln. Which those of true Confederates knows, that Abe Lincoln was one of if not the biggest liars of them all. 
The agenda of what we are is to get truth and justice and to phraze it properly the strengths of the American way.
Say your tired of this by supporting the Conferderate Movement Party.  Vote Confederate. Time to get both the flags flying.  The day those flags fly together will be the day that this nation will be truly UNITED.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Let's review. Findingsl

Let's review. Went to Twin Falls Idaho looking for a pot of gold that turned into a pos that few and far between that no one could afford at least for what the mc can afford. Got money at the bank and in the bank.  This took a month of sleeping in a shelter inmix of sleeping in my car 🚗 
Fed up with that trucked here to Burley Idaho.  Got a room and within an hour not only found but secured both a temp storage unit but an office space for HazzardAyre Radio.  Way under the $800.00 a month ceiling that I was working from. An expanding economy as well as an expansion on the airport here for AyreWolf Aviation.  Shop space out yonder next to where I shacked up once upon a time. Now where do you think my loyalties to a community should be. In the same lane almost, if truth be known, several other gems including but not limited to the finding of the raw material that we built our General Lee from. Looks like it's time to drop the anchor.
StY wyngz Level.

Now let's look at the WolfPack And the legacy behind it. 
Before I get there let me state this. Long before the formation of the title of the squadrons of now the USMC . 
The AyreWolveZ was and in many ways a promotional piece of Americana.  More over the organization was constructed as a marketing aid for and of AyreWolf Aviation LLC. 
We are not the first that has done this. Just in the gearhead demo. The National Hot Rod Association was built on the coat tails of Hot Rod Magazine.  Construct an organization to market a magazine.  Harley Davidson built its brand by constructing HOG. Which stands for Harley Owners Group.  We as a grassroots gearhead Hot Rod and Toewing service as the renamed shop in the tiny town of Hagerman Idaho as The Hazzard County Garage  built a organization called the Hazzard County Knytes Kustmz Association aka Hazzard County Knytes.  Build the demo then be there to fill the need. It worked and translated and transitioned into Hazzard County Choppers.  The success is and has became a phenomenon beyond anything we as the original 9 that met in a burger joint in Hagerman Idaho with a overcrowd that had potential members were really hanging from the rafters of the place.
Out of that the iron Knytes Association was built in 1996 in EVANSTON WYOMING  to bolster the absolute first big rig truck shop the Dixie Diesel Shop.  The AyreWolveZ followed and of course When Hazzard County Choppers was reworked Knytes of Dixie MC was built. 
Today the entire organizations have quadrupled into 2million members with its mind and soul built on helping those who sweat to earn a living get a leg up on the ladder. Not breaking the first step. All the while believing in that flag and nation that was the cornerstone of a TV show called the Dukes of Hazzard and today's Confederacy. As well as educating the masses on the history of that great militia and conflict of the war in America's. 
That is what we built.
When the nation's media left the table and began to ignore us we built our own radio network HazzardAyre Radio.  The rest is history.
Stay tuned.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

once. again when doing a Google search turns up zilch it's up to us to find the answer

As a closing of the Book of Hazzard entry this morning I posted a search to locate any Intel to the inquiry; if you drank[sucked] the corn chip flavored sweat of a woman still in her pantyhose
, would you get sick to your stomach or some other part of you anatomy? 🤔 many guys say they long for that experience, but in reality would it make you upchuck? Back 
When I was 15 or so I attempted that experiment. Wasn't nothing really sexual,  but I saw this episode of Manswers , that had this heavy duty Mamasun who put ALL of her pheete , crotch right on top of this geek. So I fingered might as try that, but with a twist of phoote sweat added for garnish. 
Research continues at Hazzard County University. Skool of strange quantum science 🤔. 

Definitive answers are not as fourth coming as many would like. 
If your going to accuse some body for something that got way past it's original context, for dang sure let the person or persons that your accusing have their say. If need be, to defend themselves. 
Example,, local pastor here of the House of prayer 🙏 seemed or is that seamed?
Like my kind of Church. Yet when it was gleaned that one of the topics I was researching hit the head I all of a sudden became at least to themselves ¹became Lucifer himself. So I got booted.
Part due next entry. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

In the beginning to even still Today

Welcome to our world.

What started as a divisionary tactic, has turned into a euphoric, phenomenon that has exceeded all expectations.

A copy? Perhaps to some, but we never started out to being an M.C. {Motorcycle Club} We started out as the more evolved half of that, being a OTR Drivers Recreational Organization. 

Ever since that wintery day in Goon's Ferry Idaho, with only one TV show to watch, KOA has grown to over 11,000,000 members worldwide and encompasses. the Hazzard County Syndicated, that has the subsidiaries of The Hazzard County Knytes, The AyreWolvez Vintage Military Aviation Association, [ WolfPack} all the flow to the Deere Dazzlerz Association that is partly funded by the Larry H Miller Group/Utah-Jazz. Of course, the Knytes of Dixie, whose President is Lester Allan Culbertson Junior of Las Vegas, Nevada, rounds out the top ten. Of course, there's my side the WolfPack. The WolfPack started out as simply the BlacKSheep Aviation Association originally based in Jerome Idaho, that quickly relocated to Bountiful SkyPark, Wood's Cross Utah, and at the Cokeville City Airport Cokeville Wyoming, and very soon to be headquartered here in Bear River City Wyoming. (the old dragstrip). But scratching below the skin, you will always find the KOA or: Knytes-of-Anarchy. 

With all that, I am here.
Now once upon a Centon, we were and remain un politicized. Did not want to be politics, just a bunch of rural gearheads who love old vintage big rig OTR trucks. However, we have gathered together a need to take on the realm, of being politically active. With that said, a serious suggestion that even a city employee of Parks and Recreation of Evanston Wyoming, that perhaps I should ought to run for mayor, of this border town. Okay, but only on the Confederate States National Party. Not any Lincolnite political party. Surly not the Republicrats. Don't want no part of that slave laborious B.S. organization. Nope. Speaking of and I'll keep this breef 

 With the horrendous invasion of Hamas into Israel, the USA Government and people, called it at the very least an atrocity. Okay cool, but the Union military did that in 1864 when Sherman, marched into Atlanta GA and burned, and slaughtered every single woman, child, grandpa, grandma they could find. Destroyed countless homes and torpedoed, many lives. And yet that too has never been reconciled nor has the Union ever paid back those who that raid harmed. 

But hey, That's okay.

This coming year, this nation has the opportunity, to cure its many maladies. But only if we as a nation, allow the Confederacy to enter the fray, and overturn the sins of Lincoln. If that be \, needs to be me , running on the CSNP. to becoming mayor, so be it. It's a start.
The Knytes-of-Anarchy maybe in the shadows, but are ever at the watch, and are there as the rock upon which the entire domestic condition, revolves.
Always Remember, late at night or during the light of day, the Knytes-of-Anarchy is there...

Monday, July 20, 2015

The South hazz Rizen

It's Monday, the 20th of July 2015, and a new direction is underway for the Knytes. Decisions were made overnight that effect the end game but here's the trick of it. First the Knytes of Anarchy will be renamed the Knytes-of-Dixie. The Knytes-of-Dixie will be ran under the umbrella of the Rode Knytes Association. The flight of it is this though and it's going to be a thing that is going to be a challenge, but its needed. Hazzard County Choppers is going to be relocated back to Burley Idaho, however Evanston will remain where the radio werx for the organization remains, as well as the sub station of HazzardAyre Aviation. HazzardAyre Radio will be throttled back to introduce DixieAyre Radio. Same idea, different handle. Its still southern fried radio, just not all Hazzard County. While there are still many votes coming in on the decisions of the reformation project, the one under current of it is, that while we will remain loyal and give honor too, a slight distancing of the organization from too much Dukes, is needed. We still will be Hazzard County without the Dukes, and that means a rename, again it'll all be under for the duration of the reformation of the Rode Knytes, the operating handle to light the candle will be DixieAyre Radio, and the Knytes-of-Dixie . Enough said.
I'm looking at settling in or near, Grace/Soda-Springs Idaho, near my kin folk. After reviewing many things for me to reside in Evanston is just idiotic. I don't mind freezing me or my equipment or battling the elements, if I'm making money doing it. But to date its been too much outgo, not enough income. The return on investment is just not here. So while the radio werx of the organization will be in Evanston here, I don't have to be.
The old saying that the south shall rise again, is said way too much. The South hazz Rizen, and with that that resurrection needs and should be celebrated. The Knytes-of-Dixie will be the driving force behind the rize to power, that our Dixie Nation deserves. 
Stay Tuned

Monday, January 2, 2012

Is it just me or did Google take a dump this weekend

Is it just me or did Google take a real dump this past weekend?
Seems like since Thursday most if not all my Google based programs have been running very slow if they load or not.
Called Cable-One but they had no issues reported on my line access so it must be one of two things, my computer which it might be since its running with very low headroom, or Google. Of course one can't call Google and get an answer , but somethings wrong, so that being that, I'm rolling out things Knytes related on HazzardAyre and see if that trucks.
If any of ya'll have had troubles with Google, YouTube, or Blogger let me know. Maybe we can excite Google into fixing something.
See ya'll L8R

Hey Crew I' home

Twuz the morning after. So shoot me I couldn't sleep. The time to push ths bucket is now. The election season is here.
New Hampshire is having their primaries this coming week, The Iowa Caucusus are running now and if ya'll want to have 4 more years of oppression such as none we have seen since that lyin sack of crap Abe Lincoln , then lets get busy.
Although I see no real alternative I'm leaning towards Ron Paul, as he was a good front runner and was silently endorsed by the Sons and Knytes, last election and even the one prior. The fact is the Confederate Party has no candidate. Why? Mostly because outside of a silent majority on southern soil, the rest of this damn Union has no idea of our Southern Movement. Why not blow the trumpets and bugles of our southern movement so loud that those mini skirts at FoX News can't ignore us.
Imagine, the General of the Sons of Confederate Veterans at the desk on the Oriley (however its spelled) Factor, or on FoX News Sunday? Imagine the voice of the Southern Movement on say XM Satellite Radio, the list goes on, but if things go as planned our alliance with Ray McBerry and Dixie Broadcasting can propel the entire movement to a fever pitch, so much that no media and no person with a lick of sense can ignore. But it has to start somewhere and what better time than now.
Look , outside of dotting a few I's and crossing a few T's what was KBAR in our area, is ours. Add KDXB and the rest of our old network to that mix, engage cable access in Pocatello and we can move this rock. As for me, I'm coming out of the clouds to work my tow service and hot rod shop. I'm putting AyreWolf on the shelf (see Cooter's Toewing and for details there, but all of America is looking for a earthly Savior not just God, and considering God blessed our Southern Soil as he did, just like you heard on Dixie Broadcasting this morning, I believe God means for a rebel Confederate to be that Earthly soil. Lets be that. Any way this will be home plate so visit here often.
Until L8R Ya'll